Pheasant & Partridge Shooting
'England, Wales and Scotland'
Pheasant shooting requires a combination of suitable terrain and excellent management to produce consistently an excellent days game shooting. The UK has the capability to produce fantastic sporting birds in spectacular landscapes that elevates the sporting opportunity into a great social occasion.
Providing an exciting days shooting is all part of it but finding a day that suits your individual needs is essential. At Abbey Sporting we have developed strong relationships with a large number of the most exclusive sporting estates in the UK, therefore take the time to match our estates to you, so that we can produce the right kind of shooting.
We are able to accommodate the needs of our clients with the greatest attention to detail.
A Typical Day
Pheasant and partridge shooting is available for individual guests to join a line and whole teams, with up to nine guns in total.The days which are available are constantly changing; please contact us so that we can discuss a convenient date that will maximise your shooting experience.
Generally starting at 9.15 am, where you are greeted with tea, coffee, and a bacon sandwich.
Once pegs have been chosen, enjoy a couple of drives before elevenses in the field. A well deserved break at lunch time accompanied by fine wines. Compare shooting stories, warm through and prepare for an exhilarating afternoon. After additional afternoon drives, you can discuss shots and a few “tall” stories, before relaxing in a local restaurant or pub for a well earned drink and evening meal perhaps.
Everyone will receive a prepared, oven ready brace of birds to enjoy at home.
If you are interested in booking a day with us or have any questions please provide some contact details.